Spiritual transformation isn’t our task, but it involves our compliance. We present ourselves to the pressure of the Potter’s strong hands.
How Jesus Handled Grief—5 Ways
In Matthew 14 we are given a window into how Jesus handled grief. There are at least five meditations on how to process the senseless sadness we sometimes encounter.
15 Magnificent Quotes to Help You Preach Grace
If you need a one-week breath of fresh air from the pulpit, preach grace. Go back to the basics and boldly declare the grace of God. Here are 15 quotes that will prime the pump.
Church Planters Cultivate Seeds, but God Creates Them
As church planters, we are called to cultivate seeds. But creating seeds is God’s work, not ours. Let’s explore the difference.
The Great Calling of the Church: Discipleship
Discipleship is the great calling of the church, and the only soil that grows disciples is a local church culture of spiritual formation. Every other ministry of the church can (and should) grow from this soil.
Without Discipleship, Your Church Is the Fellowship of Low Expectations
Discipleship, we suppose, is for those few super-saints called into the ministry, and so we are trapped in the fellowship of low expectations.