This season, if you are a nobody—rejoice! You are not far from the Kingdom of God, because He’s the God of nobodies, like you and me.
Why plant churches? To make disciples!
Discipleship is the great calling of the church, and the only soil that grows disciples is a local church culture of spiritual formation. Why plant churches? To make disciples!
How to Grow a Church: By Grace, or by Numbers?
When it comes to how to grow a church, I want to be the seed that falls into the ground and finds good soil. If I impact 30, 60 or a 100 people during my lifetime I’ll consider it a fruitful life.
The Question Every Church Planter Must Answer: What is a Church?
Here’s the absolute baseline for any church planter: We had better be able to clearly answer the question, “What is a church?” Not to others—but to ourselves!
How to Grow a Church: Choose Your Leadership Model
As you consider how to grow a church, which leadership model you adopt makes a big difference.
How to Start a Church: Church Membership for Dummies
It’s a pretty bad situation: We’ve been doing church for 20 years, and we still don’t have a clue about determining church membership. File this article under how to start a church, and then write down: “Forget church membership.”