Part of his true beauty is that Jesus loves the unlovely. I’m drawn to him because he not only cleansed the lepers: he reached out his hand touched them even when everyone else demanded that they shout “Unclean!” He not only healed their skin, he received them kindly. I want that kind of heart.When the…
Rick Warren: 7 Ways to Make Your Church More Guest-Friendly
There are a lot of reasons a church might grow. Sometimes people come because of the preaching. Sometimes people come because of the music. Some people like the great programs for kids and youth. But I’m convinced that amid all of our emphasis in the last few decades on building weekend services that are more…
Unless the Lord Builds the House . . .
Unless the Lord starts the church, the church planters labor in vain.
When People Leave Your Church
There are lots of reasons why someone might leave your church. Make any change and someone is not going to like it.
James Emory White: the 5 C’s of REAL Church
8 Signs of a Pastor People Will Follow
The powerful story of a pastor who knew what to do and how to help his community.