Has peace with God, as a facet of the gospel, become familiar, worn, and a hackneyed point of attention? Or have we ignored it?
Evangelism With a Marked New Testament
If you do not have a marked New Testament in your evangelism toolbox, add it now. It is a simple way to share the gospel without memorization.
The Core of Evangelism – Invest & Invite
The dynamic core of evangelism is investing and inviting. Let’s start off with the invest part. Investing in someone is simply about building a relationship: getting to know them, spending time with them, entering into community with them. Only within the confines of a relationship will there be the trust to be authentic and to…
A Powerful Apologetic For Our Times
The (Very) False Dichotomy Between Evangelism & Discipleship
Make no mistake about this false dichotomy—apart from intentional outreach and evangelism, there will be no one to disciple.
What Evangelism Isn’t
Because of your calling to plant churches, it's important to know what evangelism isn't. Let’s say you’re in. You agree with the apostle Paul when he wrote: “Because we understand our fearful responsibility to the Lord, we work hard to persuade others…. And God has given us this task of reconciling people to him. For…