Becoming a follower of Jesus should bring spiritual transformation: we are born from above; we acquire his character; and we imitate his works.
spiritual growth
How to Plan Daily Prayer Time With God
Christa Hesselink – Helping Leaders Slow Down
Christa Hesselink shared how slowing down and re-centering ourselves on God helps us to love well in our ministries and lives.
How To Be A Fair And Good Leader
They’ve been a part of a team with a bad leader. The leader wasn’t a good leader, or fair. Their leader was just plain bad.
Church Planters: Get Near to Jesus
When you feel like you're dying inside, get near to Jesus. Sorry if that sounds like some toothless religious platitude. It’s not. It’s got jaws like a gator that won’t let go. The reason is that the antidote to Death is Life. The remedy for Decay is Resurrection. The solution isn’t to stir up more gusto for…
8 Warning Signs You’re a Lukewarm Christian
Lukewarm Christians are those people who sit in churches and believe the message of the gospel…but are not really sold out to Jesus and not meaningfully engaged in his mission.