If you lead people in any way: in a church, a business, or a team, those you lead will screw up, fail, and often disappoint you. When that happens, and that volunteer or team member needs correction, when is the best time to correct? It could be a reprimand or a teachable moment. In the…
Leading Volunteers – Less Blame, More Credit
It’s one thing when people have to follow you because you sign their paycheck or you’re the “boss.” It’s another thing when people want to follow you. But leading volunteers, becoming the kind of leader that people want to follow is the kind of stuff you should be paying attention to and spending your time…
Building Volunteer Teams Takes Practice!
Building volunteer teams to accomplish the mission of God in the local church can feel like a challenge. For some of us, recruiting people to specific tasks is just downright hard. Yet, serving is a way for us to worship God through our time and talents and it’s a powerful part of discipleship.
Make Children’s Ministry Church Plant Volunteers Feel Important!
It’s a given that volunteers who teach, lead worship and facilitate small groups are important. We must help church plant volunteers see that every single role in children’s ministry is important.It’s a given that volunteers who teach, lead worship and facilitate small groups are important. We must help church plant volunteers see that every single role in children’s ministry is important.
Good Soil: 5 Ways To Invest In Leadership
I want to take time to make sure my leaders to know they are celebrated, prayed for, and appreciated. In the hustle and bustle of ministry, here are five ways I’ve learned to invest in leadership.
You Can Coax Volunteers, but You Probably Won’t Keep Them!
Recruiting volunteers is difficult work. But I think recruitment can be eased with a little work on the front end by the recruiters.