Paul warns us that even in our doing of good, sin is present and able to infect.
How to Draw Closer To God Through Prayer
Smile: You are Delightful to God!
You are delightful to God! When you woke up this morning, what was the first thought about yourself that you had? First thoughts to come to us when we wake are usually some evaluation of how we feel, or something we need to do. “I feel tired; I shouldn’t have stayed up so late,” “I…
What Makes a Nehemiah? Patience
Waiting upon God with an attitude of humility is one of the prerequisites for church planting leadership.
Church Planting Lessons from a Child’s Toy Closet
Church Planting lessons can come from the least expected sources. For example, my 5th-grader. I asked her to clean her toy closet. What I gained was valuable insight into how to welcome people of all kinds. Like most children, she resists cleaning-up anything. And like most children, she has perfected the art of procrastination. No…
We’ve Never Done It That Way Before Devotional
Tired of hearing we’ve never done it that way before? Many church plants bring a much needed refocus back to our core mission to fulfill the Great Commission.